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Human scale lighting

ARTICLE | 2018

LUCE - n.325 - 2018 [it, en]

Introduction to the human scale lighting concept

Human scale lighting - the importance of human scale in urban illumination


PLDC - Professional Lighting Design Convention

The presentation should be seen as a call to stimulate the creativity and the sensitivity of the attendee, and encourage professionals to think carefully about urban lighting design, introducing new lighting design approaches for the outdoor environment and taking into consideration that the evolution of the "24-hour city" is changing the needs and behaviour of people at night.

in collaboration with Uwe Belzner and Zumtobel.


1st International Museum Lighting Symposium & Workshop | London

Museum lighting topic connected to the use of new technologies and devices in order to enhance and the visitor experience.

ARTICLE | 2017 [de]

db deutsche bauzeitung 04 2017

Article about human scale lighting and short interview.

ARTICLE | 2017 [it, en]

Domus, n°1010, February 2017

Short introduction about the importance of the human scale within the urban lighting discipline.

INTERVIEW | 2016 [en]

Interview about the concept of the new Zumtobel Outdoor portfolio developed since 2015. A new way of lighting the outdoor environments, having the people and the nocturnal ecosystem at the center of the concept and always starting from the natural scenario at night: darkness.

Colori e Sensazioni (Colors and Sensations)

ARTICLE | 2013 [it]

LEDin, 2013, n.8 (italian only)

Molto spesso ci troviamo di fronte a installazioni anonime, prive di linguaggio e, purtroppo, anche prive di un senso. La luce “viene messa dove serve”, della quantità sufficiente all’occhio umano nel momento dell’installazione. È ormai radicata nella cultura (non cultura) la nostra abitudine di vivere in ambienti illuminati in maniera inadeguata. Fra i vari componenti che stimolano i sensi umani e soddisfano la sensibilità, il colore è  uno degli elementi di eccitazione visuale primaria che un oggetto esprime e influisce, percettibilmente, sul benessere personale. Per questo, sempre più spesso, molti settori professionali, compreso il lighting design, si stanno spostando da un metodo rivolto alla funzionalità a un approccio orientato alla sensorialità.

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